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管理员 钱包APP下载 2023年02月06日

然而,北京中日友好医院耳鼻喉科主治医师毕青玲警告称,这款糖果可能会造成比真实灯泡更大的健康风险(cause more health risks than a real light bulb)。她表示,如果硬质糖果在嘴里停留时长超过一到两个小时,下颚关节就可能会脱位(the lower jaw joint could be dislocated)。一旦舌头因长时间压力而肿胀(the tongue swells due to the long-term pressure),就可能造成窒息(suffocation),这会是致命的。她建议消费者避免将整颗灯泡糖放进嘴里。

精疲力尽 burnt-out

加密货币 cryptocurrency



文章写道:"在持续攀升的社会压力下对生活和职业都保持淡定的心态(keeping a casual and calm mindset toward life and career under mounting social pressure)"。所谓"佛系"是指:有也行,没有也行,不争不抢,不求输赢(it's fine to have something or not and there is no need to pursue or win anything)。

隐私条款 privacy policy

麦芽糖 malt sugar

中年发福 middle-aged obesity



一些比特币矿场对《中国日报》表示,已接到当地政府限制用电(limit electricity consumption)的通知,有些比特币矿场已将部分挖矿业务转移至海外(move part of the mining business overseas),搬迁到蒙古等土地租赁(land rental)和用电成本相对较低的地区。近来,比特币价格波动剧烈(bitcoin prices have been on a roller coaster recently)。据比特币新闻网站CoinDesk报道,12月30日,比特币价格由前一天的14951美元跌至12307美元,1月4日又回升至14762美元。


数据外泄 data breach


annual spending report

1. 比特币矿场

金融科技 fintech

中国的年轻人迅速给自己贴上了"佛系青年"的标签(label themselves as Buddha-like youth),过上了"佛系生活"。他们的恋爱模式是宽容的"佛系恋爱",即全盘接受,从不强迫另一半作出改变(never force your better half to make changes)。他们把职场也变成了"佛系职场",即员工不再关心升职或办公室政治(employees no longer concern themselves with promotion or office politics),只是简单做好手头的工作(simply get on with the job in hand)。


砂糖 granulated sugar

4. 佛系青年


A guesthouse in Snow Town, a popular winter resort in Heilongjiang, has been punished by the local tourism authorities for overcharging customers.

对于这种佛系心态(Buddha-like mindset)出现了反对的声音,特别是在老一辈人当中。他们认为,这种心态的实质就是消极懒散(pessimism and indolence),会导致职业道德(work ethic)下滑、上进心缺失(lack of self-motivation)以及行为举止冷漠(apathetic demeanor)。但社科院专家表示,中国的迅速发展带来了许多社会变革,年轻一代不可避免地面临挑战和压力,"佛系"一词的诞生,说到底是"90后"的一种自嘲(self-mockery)方式,以此来宣泄自己所面临的生存压力。

央行(central bank)一位高级官员透露,互联网金融风险专项整治工作领导小组办公室(Office of the Special Rectification Work Leadership Team for Internet Financial Risks)近日已向地方政府(local government)下发文件,要求比特币矿场(bitcoin miner, bitcoin mining company)有序退出比特币挖矿业务(orderly exit the business)。这一监管举措(regulatory move)是监管部门将进一步收紧比特币监管(further tighten regulation on bitcoin)的迹象。出于对比特币可能增加有害投机行为(boost harmful speculation)的担忧,去年监管部门关闭了国内所有的比特币交易平台(bitcoin trading platform)。



零团费出游 free-of-charge tours


低价旅游产品 budget travel product


这款灯泡糖(lightbulb-shaped candy)由焦糖制成(made from caramel),按照1:1的比例制成灯泡的形状,长约10厘米,最宽处6厘米,很受在网上商城淘宝上寻找独特礼品的买家(shoppers looking for unique gifts)的喜爱,被不少人推崇为"吃得进去,拿不出来(easy to put it into your mouth but hard to get it back out)"的"神奇糖果(magic candy)"。

The nation's top financial regulator has suggested that local governments encourage bitcoin miners to gradually reduce production of the cryptocurrency until finally quitting the business.


overcharge/fleece customers

金融风险 financial risk

网络红人 online celebrity

法律协议 legal agreement

超然的姿态 detached posturing

代币发行融资 Initial Coin Offerings, ICO


过早谢顶 prematurely balding

价格欺诈 price fraud


抑制投机行为 curb speculative behavior


4日,黑龙江省森林工业总局向社会公布"雪乡宰客(overcharge/fleece customers)"调查结果。网友所指的赵家大院经理因"宰客"及对待客人态度蛮横(treat customers in a rude manner)已受到当地旅游管理部门的处罚。除了59360元的罚款之外,该旅馆还被列入不诚信家庭旅馆"黑名单"(be blacklisted as one of the dishonest guesthouses),通过该景区LED屏幕予以曝光(be looped on the LED screen in the scenic area),并被责令停业。


《人民日报》3日发表评论文章《比特币,狂欢后的回归》称,比特币价格存在泡沫,已是一个无需讨论的问题(price bubble exists for bitcoin, which needs no more discussion),无论是从涨幅还是从币值本身看,比特币都泛滥着泡沫的味道。其所谓的优势:稀缺性(scarcity)、保真性、强流动性(high-liquidity)、透明度以及去中心化(decentralization)等,都只是投机的幌子(disguises for speculation),根本不可能支撑其过山车一样的涨势,近日的暴跌已经非常说明问题。

The phrase "Buddha-like youth" recently went viral after a popular WeChat article used the term to describe China's post-1990s generation.

Alipay 2017 Spending Report that based on a person's history of mobile purchases that went online on Wednesday has sparked a public outcry over privacy issues.



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