主页 > 钱包APP下载 > [imtoken正版下载]广州德鸿:小五帝钱稀少难寻,价格看涨,李女


admin 钱包APP下载 2023年02月06日
[Guangzhou Dehong] With the development of China's thousands of years of history, the variety of coins has also gradually increased. These ancient coins with unique features of the times provided favorable conditions for the circulation and development of commodities at that time, and they had more extensive use value. Nowadays, with the evolution of history, these ancient coins, although they have lost their circulation value, can still be loved by people and present a high collection value. With the rise of the antique collection boom, people’s investment collections of ancient coins have become increasingly popular, especially the ancient coins of the collections are worth more.

Dehong Company now collects Ms. Li’s set of “Small Five-dimension” money, which was coined during the reign of the five most emperors of the Qing Dynasty (Junzhi, Kangxi, Yongzheng, Qianlong, and Jiaqing). They had Shunzhi Tongbao (diameter: 2.40). Cm Thickness: 0.10cm Weight: 3.67g), Kangxi Tongbao (diameter: 2.40cm thickness: 0.09cm weight: 2.53g), Yongzheng Tongbao (diameter: 2.40cm thickness: 0.09cm weight: 2.89g), Qianlong Tongbao (diameter: 2.35cm thickness: 0.09cm weight: 2.45g), Jiaqing Tongbao (diameter: 2.22cm thickness: 0.10cm weight: 3.67g). This set of small five-dimension bronze is fine in money, clear in money and text, and has an excellent book style. The casting is also precise, the product phase is complete, and the rust color is in the bone. It has a historical sense. All of them are ancient treasures and have a high collection value.


According to the records, the Qing Chengming system said that the bronze coins cast in this court were copper coins, and that the money method had been established during the Shunzhi period. The Qing court and the local establishment set up copper coins, and the Qian style fixed the positive Chinese character Qian Wen after the end of Shunzhi period, and the Manchu discipline bureau was on the back. Based on these five coins, the Chinese characters Qian Wen are respectively "Shunzhi Tongbao", "Kangxi Tongbao", "Yongzheng Tongbao", "Qianlong Tongbao" and "Jiaqing Tongbao". The Manchu translation on the left is translated as "Treasure", and on the right is the sign of the cast money bureau. The year of Wudi money is the same or homonym as the auspicious words in traditional customs and culture. It has all the functions of ancient money. It has not only been loved by many people in life, but also in the collection market. The Tibetan friends' welcome is worth collecting.


徳鸿公司现征集到李女士一套小五帝钱,是清朝最兴盛的五位帝王(顺治、康熙、雍正、乾隆和嘉庆)在位期间所铸造的古钱,分别有顺治通宝(直径:2.40cm 厚:0.10cm 重:3.67g)、康熙通宝(直径:2.40cm 厚:0.09cm 重:2.53g)、雍正通宝(直径:2.40cm 厚:0.09cm 重:2.89g)、乾隆通宝(直径:2.35cm 厚:0.09cm 重:2.45g)、嘉庆通宝(直径:2.22cm 厚:0.10cm 重:3.67g)。此套小五帝钱铜质细密,钱文清晰,书体极佳,铸造亦精,品相完整,锈色入骨,颇具有历史感,皆为古泉珍品,有着很高的收藏价值。

The outer circle of the coin is inside, the outer circle represents the day, the inner side represents the ground, the middle age represents the emperor, and the “Heaven, Earth, and Man” are possessed of extraordinary energy. Xiaowudi’s money brought together the imperial prestige and the people’s hopes. It has a long history and cultural heritage. It is always a popular and sought-after ancient coin in the money collection market. The market prospect is very broad. Because the five emperors are very scarce and hard to find, they can be described as treasures in the coin collection market. It is extremely difficult to get five together, so the market price is very expensive and there is a great ability to increase the security. If you are interested in collecting this set of small five-dimension Ms. Li, welcome to call Guangzhou Dehong " Jim Po Forum " column for more information!

The five emperors of Shunzhi, Kangxi, Yongzheng, Qianlong, and Jiaqing were all reigned for 180 years. It was the most glorious period of the Qing Dynasty. During the reign of the country, the country was strong and there was also a famous “Kanggan prosperity” in history. The times are connected, the emperor is alone, the national economy is prosperous, and the people live and work in peace. The people of the country are rich. If they get this set of coins, the fortunes will surely become stronger and more significant. The small five-dimension money was not only a currency for circulation at the time, but it also had an important function in itself. It had a strong role in praying for blessings and was widely favored. It has been circulated that collections have become more valuable.


标签: 难寻   稀少   看涨   五帝   钱稀少   李女   德鸿   价格   广州