主页 > 钱包APP下载 > [imtoken钱包真假辨认]WGL全球总决赛2014线下竞赛规则(3)


admin 钱包APP下载 2023年02月22日 Best of 7 



  - Prokhorovka普罗霍洛夫卡

  - Steppes 



  Game specific rules 

  Before every match, both captains will meet the referee for a coin toss. The winner of the coin toss chooses to become either the “home team” or the “away team” for further rules. The loser of the coin toss assumes the team role not picked by the winner. 

  - Home team decides 3rd map, Away team decides the side to play on 主队选择第3章地图,客队选边

  The captain of the Home team will begin the banning process. When enough maps are banned (4 in BO3 or 2 in BO5) the Home team captain picks a map, after which the Away team captain picks their side on the map. After that, the Away team picks the next map and the Home team chooses their side, until all maps are picked. 


  一支站队所有坦克总等级不得超过42分( 7人)。级别分数每少一人减掉6分。

  - Away team eliminates second map客队淘汰第2张地图

  Installation of any additional software is prohibited, apart from basic drivers for personal hardware (see 2.1). 禁止安装任何软件

  - Vehicle tier limit for all tanks is 8 

  3.3. Maps and Tank picking 

  - Timelimit: 10 minutes

  - Away team decides 4th map, Home team decides the side to play on 客队选择第4章地图,主队选边


  - Teamsize: 7 players

  - Away team decides 2nd map, Home team decides the side to play on 客队选择第2章地图,主队选边

  - Home team eliminates first map主队淘汰第1张地图

  3.1. Game account 

  - Away team eliminates fourth map 客队淘汰第4张地图


新浪游戏  2014-04-02 13:37

  The map picking is described from the perspective of the Home team. 

您现在位置 >> 新浪游戏 >> 网络游戏 >> 坦克世界 >> 正文

  - Teamspeak or other voice-comm solution  语音软件

  - Home team decides 1st map, Away team decides the side to play on 主队选择第1章地图,客队选边

  - Home team decides 1st map , Away team decides the side to play on 主队选择第1章地图,客队选边



  Each machine provided on the event will contain all necessary software required to participate, including: 

  - Home team decides 7th map, Away team decides the side to play on  主队选择第7章地图,客队选边

  战队队员 :7人

  - Total amount of vehicle tiers in one team must not exceed 42 points (7 players). If a player is missing in a battle, the maximum tier points are reduced by 6 per missing player. 

  - Ensk安斯克

  2.3. Tournament Software 

  - Up-to-date game client 目前的游戏客户端

  3.2. Match Rules 

  - Away team eliminates second map 客队淘汰第2张地图

  - Drivers for Hardware provided by organiser 组织者提供硬件

  - Winter Himmelsdorf锡默尔斯多夫(冬季)

  - Teams may contain tanks of different nations 

  All players can use their tournament accounts they received for the event specifically. These game accounts are named after the nicknames provided by the teams and are only available in training rooms for training purposes and the event. Players are prohibited from using their tournament accounts in any other way or for any purpose other than preparation, training and participation in the Grand Final tournament games. 

  3.3.1. Map pool 


  所有坦克的最高级别不能超过8 Best of 3 Best of 5 

  - Away team decides 2nd map, Home team decides the side to play on 客队选择第2章地图,主队选边

  - Home team decides 3rd map, Away team decides the side to play on 主队选择第3章地图,客队选边

  - Premium vehicles are allowed 

  3 maps remain 

  5 maps remain 


  Installation of any World of Tanks mods is prohibited – only game mods installed by the tournament organizers may be used. 禁止安装任何坦克世界的插件

  - Home team eliminates first map 主队淘汰第1张地图

  3.3.2. Map Picking 

  - Ruinberg on Fire鲁别克(烈焰)

  - Cliff海岸争霸

  - Home team decides 5th map, Away team decides the side to play on 主队选择第5章地图,客队选边

  3.2.1. Settings 

  3.2.2. Tank Regulations 

  - Mines湖边的角逐

  - Home team eliminates third map  主队淘汰第3张地图

