主页 > 区块链钱包 > [最新imtoken官网下载]中国煤炭科工中央研究院公开招聘公告-国务院


管理员 区块链钱包 2023年05月05日

5. Applicants are required to compress the electronic version of the above-mentioned application documents into a compressed package no more than 20M, named as ‘name + application position’, and upload it to the application system.

6. The interview notification will be sent separately to those who has passed the qualification screening.

首席科学家              1人

首席科学家              1人

Chief Scientists (2)

Senior Researchers (8)


2. The Company promises to keep all registration data confidential and the application documents will not be returned;

Public Recruitment Announcement of China Coal Technology and Engineering Group (CCTEG) Central Research Institute



3. Successful applicants enjoy generous benefits. For high-end talents, their benefits and job security will be negotiated one by one.

3. Each applicant can only apply for one position.

1. Applicants should love the People's Republic of China, observe law and discipline, be well-conducted, dare to take responsibility, be diligent, dedicated and professional, take unity and cooperation, and agree with the values and business philosophy of CCTEG.

6. This recruitment announcement has Chinese and English versions. In case of any discrepancy, the Chinese version shall prevail.

Annual income (pre-tax):  at least RMB1,000,000 for a first-level chief scientist; at least RMB800,000 for a second-level chief scientist; at least RMB500,000 for a third-level chief scientist; RMB200,000-RMB500,000 for a senior researcher.

II. Requirements for applicants

3. 应急救援技术与装备研究方向

3. Research of Emergency Rescue Technology and Equipment

3. Scientific Research Project Supervision Center (3)



标签: 国务院   公开   中央   科工   招聘   中国   公告   研究院   煤炭