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管理员 区块链资讯 2023年02月24日

3. It is purely a mobile game operation mode. Cars need in-app purchases or game coins, guns need game coins, and game coins can be obtained through a lot of tasks similar to levels. Select tasks on the main interface.

1. The map is very large. If you run far away from the free perspective, when you press F to return to the character, it will fall out of the map and hang up because the scene is not loaded;

2. The action of the characters is very simple, and the optimization is a bit problematic. It always freezes suddenly, and the lens often suddenly teleports;

3. Like GTA, street light poles can be broken, but trees cannot. This should be a tribute.

Game experience:

1. Players can do whatever you want without restriction;

Game experience:

2. Drive trucks, police cars and taxis to explore the whole city;

2. The general feeling is still shoddy, and the interface seems to be moved directly from the mobile phone;

1. The map of this game is not too small, it should have everything, desert cities and villages make the game a lot of fun;

Game review:

2. Although the house cannot be entered, there are many scenes on the whole map, from the city center to the suburbs to the beach and desert, which are more attractive;

1. The ballistic of the bullet is also very comfortable. It is not a laser gun. It spreads quite a lot but can be hit;

One State game is an open world RPG game in which players can become a gangster and control the entire city's underworld, or become a cop to fight all evil. In this role-playing game, you can be whoever you want!

3. Team up with friends and new acquaintances to play online together.

3. The task is boring. Except for driving and running, the map is basically gone. There is no plot. The only CG is a few boring shots.

Game Features:


标签: game   open   One   State