主页 > 区块链资讯 > [imtoken官网下载安卓]比特币遭受重创:2019年最严重的密码灾难


admin 区块链资讯 2023年03月06日

  Vertcoin: Vertcoin suffered a 51% attack in December 2018, and a year later, history repeated itself. This attack resulted in 603 blocks being removed from the VTC chain and replaced by 553 attacker blocks in order to perform double-spending.

  Russia, too, known for its hostile approach to cryptocurrency, has begun to accept that cryptocurrency may have a legal position in the economy.

  The cryptocurrency market is booming, and with it, criminals are looking to cash in.



  LocalBitcoins: An attack taking place on the peer-to-peer cryptocurrency market platform led to the theft of Bitcoin belonging to customers.

  With any form of asset that has financial worth, criminals will look for ways to fraudulently profit and cryptocurrency is no exception. The industry is rather unregulated, with laws potentially applied locally, but with exchanges registered worldwide, investment in cryptocurrency can be a risk.

  Cryptopia: New Zealand's Cryptopia cryptocurrency exchange was pulled offline due to some form of hack, but details are scant. Trading was suspended and the firm went into liquidation.Estimates suggest that up to $16 million may have been lost.

  IOTA arrest: Europol arrested a man from the United Kingdom on suspicion of stealing €10 million in IOTA cryptocurrency.



  加密货币专家Virgil Griffith被捕:Ethereum项目成员和加密货币专家Virgil Griffith在朝鲜的一个技术会议上发表了关于如何使用区块链规避制裁的演讲后被捕。如果被判违反美国法律,他可能面临长达20年的牢狱之灾。



  PlusToken: PlusToken allegedly performed an exit scam, walking away with $2.9 billion in deposits. Some individuals suspected of being involved have been arrested.


  Bithumb: Bithumb reported another security incident, the third in two years. It is believed that cyberattackers may have stolen up to $20 million in EOS tokens and Ripple.


  MapleChange: Canadian crypto trading post MapleChange said that over 900 BTC had been stolen, but customers would not be refunded -- and very quickly thereafter, the firm's website and social media presence vanished. Foul play is suspected.

  EtherDelta charge: A hacker best known for attacking TalkTalk was also indicted for an attack in 2017 on cryptocurrency exchange EtherDelta.

  · 51%攻击,一种术语,代表着攻击者手中累积的算力已经超过加密货币网络中其他所有成员的总和,这意味着攻击者将能控制货币产出。


  Millions in cryptocurrency stolen, exit scams, and countless arrests were made in connection to crypto criminal schemes this year.

  新西兰加密货币交易所Cryptopia遭黑客攻击:由于某种形式的黑客攻击,新西兰加密货币交易所被迫下线,但细节尚不清楚。当时,该公司暂停交易,进行清算,估计有价值1 600万美元的资产损失。

  €24 million Bitcoin heist: Six arrests were made in the UK and the Netherlands by Europol and Eurojust. The suspects are alleged to have operated a scam that netted them €24 million in Bitcoin (BTC).

  Monero: The official Monero website was compromised to deliver a malicious Official Linux CLI binary, tampered to steal funds from unwitting users.



Bitcoin battered: The worst crypto catastrophes of 2019


  Proof of Stake: Security issues were found in 26 forms of cryptocurrency opening up users to "Fake Stake" attacks, crashing blockchains and giving attackers the opportunity to seize control of them.


  注:《译科技 | 比特币遭受重创:2019年最严重的密码灾难》来源于Zdnet网站(点击查看原文)。本文系数据观原创编译,译者数据观/石煜倩,转载请务必注明译者和来源。

  盗窃IOTA代币的黑客被捕:欧洲刑警组织1月逮捕了一名涉嫌盗窃价值1 000万欧元加密货币的罪犯。






  权益证明(Proof of Stake)加密货币出现安全问题:在26个基于权益证明的加密货币中发现了安全问题。用户有可能受到“假权益”攻击,攻击者破坏区块链并伺机控制它们。

  Coinmama: Coinmama was made aware that 450,000 email addresses and hashed passwords of users were up for sale on the Dark Web.

  Satowallet: Satowallet blamed Telegram scammers for the loss of $1 million, stolen from customer wallets. An exit scam is suspected.


  · “双花”,又名“双重支付”,指的是同一个比特币同时进行了两次支付,这是一种利用区块确认时间差的欺诈行为。(石煜倩)





标签: 区块链   加密货币   数字货币