主页 > 区块链钱包 > [imtoken钱包下载安卓最新版本]雅思口语Part1范文答案解析:Wallet 钱包

[imtoken钱包下载安卓最新版本]雅思口语Part1范文答案解析:Wallet 钱包

管理员 区块链钱包 2023年01月08日

Have you ever sent a wallet to someone as a gift? 你曾经有没有把钱包当做礼物送给别人?

Do you use a wallet? 你使用钱包吗?



No, they don’t. It seems that fewer friends of mine use wallets nowadays. This is probably because mobile payment is becoming more and more popular. You know, they could literally just take a phone to go shopping anywhere in the city, which is really convenient.

No, I haven’t. I didn’t even think about it when choosing presents for my friends. But, if I had enough money and saw a beautifully designed wallet, I would consider getting one for my mother as she usually takes some cash when shopping outside.

Yes, I have. I‘ve actually lost two wallets before. They were long in size and didn’t fit with my pockets. I usually take them in my hands since there was a handle on one side. However, this article is from Laokaoya website, I always forgot to pick them up when I have a lot on my hands and put them on somewhere like the coffee table at Starbucks. So, I no longer buy long wallets.

雅思口语Part1范文答案解析:Wallet 钱包

Do most of your friends use wallets? 你的多数朋友们是否使用钱包?

Yes, I do. I have a small wallet with me to keep some cash and my driver’s license. You know, I find it useful when I go shopping at some stores that don’t actually have an e-payment method.




Have you ever lost a wallet? 你曾经丢失过钱包吗?



标签: 雅思口语Part1