主页 > 区块链资讯 > [虚拟货币钱包app哪个好用]雅思听力场景词汇分类:银行场景词汇大全(三


管理员 区块链资讯 2023年02月07日

  Banks hold those bonds because they earn interest and are generally less risky than stocks.

  l check my bank account once a month to see if my part-time job money's arrived yet.

  34.by instalment (pp)分期支付

  27. weekly interest account (np)按周计息账户


  Besides the checking account, we have a monthly savings account and a daily interest account.

  24.earn interest(vp) 获利息

  33.grant a loan (vp)同意贷款

  25.(annual / yearly) interest rate (np)(年)利率

  29. once a day /week/month/year (pp)一天/周/月/年一次

  As of January, a total of 550 billion dollar loans have been granted this way.

  Could you tell me your current balance so I can check for the most suitable plan with the highest interest rate for you?

  The best weekly interest accounts offer up to 12% interest on stable coins and will letyou earn 6% interest on more popular instruments like Bitcoin.

  Congratulations! You are totally eligible to apply for a loan for your business.

  28.monthly savings account (np)按月计息账户

  32.low-interest loan (np)低息贷款

  Banks handle long-term loans and short-term loans very differently.

  l'm afraid we can not pay off at one time.We have to pay by instalment.

  The law offers new companies financial assistance for office space, equipment and training.lt also provides low interest loans.

  26.daily interest account (np)按天计息账户

  31.long-term loan (np)长期贷款

  You deposit your check in your monthly savings account where it earns interest until you transfer it to cover the checks you write to pay your bills.

  30.apply for a loan (vp)申请贷款

