主页 > 钱包APP下载 > [imtoken中国不能用了]2018年12月英语四六级考试答案持续更新!2018年英


管理员 钱包APP下载 2023年03月29日

  【沪江网校基础版】In the past, for most Chinese people, it was hard to imagine to travel by plane. Nowadays, with the development of economy and improvement of living standards, more and more Chinese people can travel by air, including farmers and people workers outside their hometown. They can take planes to all big cities. Many other cities are also planning to build airports. Air service is continually improving, and there are often flight tickets with special prices. In recent years, the number of people who travel by air on holidays has been increasing.

  Q3: Fast food turns out isn’t quite as fast as it used to be。 A new study finds that MacDonald posted its slowest drives through times since this survey was first conducted fifteen years ago。 As MacDonald’s, customers were spent on average three minutes and nine seconds from the time they placed their orders until they received their food。 That‘s about ten seconds more than the industry average and a lot slower than a decade ago, according to the study, which was commissioned by QSR, an industry trade publication。 And MacDonalds wasn’t alone in slowing down。 Other chains also saw their drive through performance slowing down。 Q4: Among the reasons for the slower service, today there are more choices on the menu, and the products themselves are more complex and take longer to prepare。 Speed, of course, is essential to the drive through experience, and drive throughs are hugely important to chains such as MacDonalds, Burger King, and Tucle Bell。 Usually, the drive through accounts for sixty to seventy percent of all business that goes through a fast food restaurant,, notes Sam Ochers, editor of QSR。 Of course, consumers also want their orders prepare correctly and on that score, Ochers says accuracy is still really high。 Q3: What is the news report mainly about?Q4: What has slowed down MacDonald‘s drive through service? 3. A) A Study of the fast-food service.4. C) Increased variety of products. 

  News Report 1   女士开车遇到毒蛇


  【沪江网校进阶版】In old days, for most Chinese people, it was beyond imagination that we could travel by air. Nowadays, with the advancement of economy and improvement of living standard, there are a growing number of Chinese people, including farmers and migrant workers, are able to afford air traveling. All the big cities are their destinations while new airports are to be constructed in many other cities. Air service is continually improving, and sometimes there will be special offers for air tickets. In recent years, the number of people who choose to travel by air during holidays is constantly increasing.

  Kelly escaped injury and managed to save her car after a four-foot long rat snake came out from under her car seat and slithered across her feet as she was driving down the high way。 Rat snakes are poisonous or a threat to people generally。 Q1: But the woman says the snake she encountered Thursday terrified her out of her wits。 It was rough with big scales, said 。。。 who was on her way to pick up her friend at the airport when it happened。 I don‘t know whether I had my hands on the steering wheel or not。 I’m not the most flexible person in the world, but I can guarantee my knees were up next to my ears。 She said the snake first slithered back under the seat and she hoped it would stay there until she was able to get off the high way and stop。 That didn‘t work out, she said。 Here he comes, and he wind up in my back seat before I could finally get off the road, stop and get out of the car。 Q2: She called for help and Washington county animal control officers came and captured the snake。 Q1: How did Kelly feel when she first came across the Rattlesnake?Q2: What does the report say about the snake? 1. B) Scared.2. D) It was covered with large scales.



  News Report 2  快餐的上餐速度正在变慢
