主页 > 区块链钱包 > [imtoken钱包最新版下载]我司宣布拟私募发行7亿美元的可转换优先票据


admin 区块链钱包 2023年02月21日


在为票据定价的同时,安森美半导体预期与一个或多个2023年票据持有人达成一项或多项单独和单独协商的交易,按照与每个持有人协商的条款回购或交换部分2023年票据(每个, “票据回购”)。任何票据回购的条款预计将与每个持有人单独协商,并将取决于几个因素,包括安森美半导体普通股的市场价格和每个此类票据回购时的2023票据交易价格。公司不能保证有多少(如果有的话)2023年票据将被回购或交换,也不能保证它们将被回购或交换的条款。任何此类票据回购的对价可能包括现金、安森美半导体的普通股,或其组合。安森美半导体预计,出售或交换其2023年票据的未到期票据持有人可能会在票据定价的同时或之后不久订立或解除与安森美半导体普通股有关的各种衍生工具(包括与票据发行中的一个或多个初始购买者或其各自的关联公司订立衍生工具)和/或购买或出售安森美半导体的普通股股份。这活动可能影响安森美半导体普通股的市场价格和票据的初始转换价格。


安森美半导体公司(ON Semiconductor Corporation,美国纳斯达克上市代号:ON)今天美国时间宣布,打算根据市场和其它条件,私募发行本金总额为7亿美元的2027年到期的0%可转换优先票据 (“票据”)。这些票据将根据美国1933年证券法修正案(the Securities Act of 1933,as amended)(“证券法”)的第144A条,只向被合理认为是合格机构购买者发售。安森美半导体还预期授予票据的初始购买者选择权,在票据首次发行之日(包括该日)起的13天内购买本金总额最多达1.05亿美元的额外票据。


Certain statements in this press release, including, among others, the proposed terms of the notes and the related guarantees, the size of the notes offering, including the option to the initial purchasers to purchase additional notes, the extent, and potential effects, of convertible note hedge and warrant transactions, the potential dilution to the common stock, the conversion price for the notes, the expected use of the proceeds from the sale of the notes, including the repurchase or exchange transactions described herein, and the unwind of the existing convertible note transactions and the exiting warrant transactions described herein and the potential effects thereof, are forward-looking statements within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Forward-looking statements are often characterized by the use of words such as “believes,” “estimates,” “expects,” “projects,” “may,” “will,” “intends,” “plans,” “should,” or “anticipates,” and similar expressions. All forward-looking statements in this press release are made based on Semiconductor’s current expectations, forecasts, estimates and assumptions, and involve risks, uncertainties and other factors that could cause results or events to differ materially from those expressed in the forward-looking statements. Among these factors are economic conditions and markets (including current financial conditions), exchange rate fluctuations, risks associated with decisions to expend cash reserves for various uses in accordance with ON Semiconductor’s capital allocation policy such as debt prepayment, stock repurchases or acquisitions rather than to retain such cash for future needs, risks associated with ON Semiconductor’s substantial leverage and restrictive covenants in ON Semiconductor’s debt agreements that may be in place from time to time, and risks involving governmental regulation. Additional factors that could cause results to differ materially from those projected in the forward-looking statements are contained in ON Semiconductor's 2020 Annual Report on Form 10-K, Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q, Current Reports on Form 8-K and other of ON Semiconductor’s filings with the SEC. ON Semiconductor assumes no obligation to update such information, except as may be required by law.


安森美半导体打算用本次发行的净收益,连同手头的现金,(i)支付下述可转换票据对冲交易的成本(在该成本被下述出售认股权证交易的收益部分抵消之后),(ii) 在下述私下协商的票据回购或交换中,回购或交换安森美半导体一部分现有1. 625%的2023年到期的可转换优先票据(“2023年票据”),(iii)偿还安森美半导体循环信贷的部分现有未偿债务及相关交易费用和开支(如有),及(iv)关于剩余的净收益(如有),用于一般公司用途,包括回购安森美半导体的普通股股份。如果初始购买者行使其购买额外票据的选择权,安森美半导体预期进行额外的可转换票据对冲交易和认股权证交易,并打算使用手头的现金、出售任何此类额外票据的部分净收益或其组合,来支付此类额外的可转换票据对冲交易的费用(这将被公司出售额外认股权证交易的收益部分抵消)。



标签: onsemi-china